Bridging the Gap

Bridging The Gap Between Facilities and Alcoholic Anonymous

Offered by: Area 75
Serving Southern Wisconsin

E-mail: [email protected]

What is Bridge the Gap?
Temporary Contact program is an option for those in alcoholism treatment facility, correctional facility, or other type of institution who wish to attend Alcoholics Anonymous after their discharge

What Bridge the Gap Does
Helps individuals make the transitions from the facility to AA.

The Volunteer Temporary Contact May

  1. When possible, contact the newcomer by
    phone before leaving the facility.
  2. Take newcomer to a variety of AA
    meetings after leaving the facility.
  3. Provide the newcomer with information
    about AA.
  4. Introduce the newcomer to AA books,
    pamphlets, and schedule of meetings in
    their local area.
  5. Explain the different meeting formats
    (discussion, speaker, big book study, step
    study) and cover the difference between
    open and closed AA meetings.
  6. Help introduce the newcomer to members
    in the fellowship of AA.
  7. Explain sponsorship to the newcomer and
    the importance of obtaining a sponsor.

Bridge the Gap Does NOT
•Provide long-term sponsorship.
•Provide a long-term taxi service •Provide financial support.
•Provide personal or family counseling.
•Provide Jobs.
•Provide housing.

What Does AA Do?

  1. AA members share their experience with anyone seeking help with a drinking problem; they give person-to-person service or “sponsorship” to the alcoholic coming to AA from any source.
  2. The AA program, set forth in our Twelve Steps, offers the alcoholic a way to develop a satisfying life without alcohol.
  3. This program is discussed at AA group meetings.
    a. Open speaker meetings
    b. Open discussion meetings
    c. Closed discussion meetings
    d. Step meetings
    e. AA members also take meetings into correctional and treatment facilities.
    f. AA members may be asked to conduct the informational meetings about AA as part of programs.

“Singleness of purpose is essential to the effective treatment of alcoholism.

The reason for such exaggerated focus is to overcome denial. The denial associated with alcoholism is cunning, baffling and powerful and affects the patient, helper and the community.

Unless alcoholism is kept relentlessly in the foreground, other issues will usurp everybody’s attention.”